When hearing the word organizing, many people let out a loud sigh or bow their heads in shame. Getting organized and being an organized person has almost gotten a bad rep of sorts, even though it should be viewed as a positive thing. There might be many reasons for this, but I believe it is at least partially due to various organizing myths.

Take a look at the seven common organizing myths below and why they don't ring true in the end.
1. Organizing is a one-time job
FALSE! Keeping active and eating well are pertinent if you want to stay healthy; similarly, you have to keep up with and tweak your organizational systems if you are going to stay organized. Yes, the main task of purging and setting up a system might be mostly a one-time job, but your life changes regularly, so your needs change too. As a result, your systems might need to as well. Also, nobody thinks that just because they cleaned their house last month, it will magically still be clean now. Maintenance is key. The same goes for organization.
2. You have to be born organized to be organized
FALSE! If this was the case, then many of us might as well throw in the towel right now. Organization may be an inherent trait for some, but more often, it is a learned skill. Like so many other things in our lives, we need exposure, guidance, and feedback to hone this skill. It is never too late to learn something new. If staying organized, picking up a new good habit, or streamlining your routine is high on your list, prioritize learning how to do these things.
3. Organized is the same as clean
FALSE! Your house can be a cluttered mess, even if you don't have dust bunnies in the corners and dirty dishes in the sink. Similarly, your home can be sparkling clean, but hidden in cabinets and closets are a jumbled mess or an avalanche waiting to happen. Being organized and being clean might go hand-in-hand, but they are two different things. Just because you clean your bathroom and mop your floor every week does not mean you could not benefit from a purging session and an excellent organizational system too.
4. One organizing system fits all
FALSE! Although there may be several standard ways to fold towels and organize a kitchen drawer, there is no one-size-fits-all system. No two people's lives are identical; therefore, no two people's needs and solutions are either. There are so many different ways to solve disorganization. When designing the perfect solution, some factors to consider are the size of the space, the types of items being organized, and the owners' habits. Lastly, budget and preferences also come into play.
5. Organizing is too expensive
FALSE! The act of getting organized can be completely free. A lot of people tackle their spaces, purge unwanted items, and put everything back in an orderly fashion without spending a dime. That being said, if you want to hire an organizer or buy organizational products, this does, of course, come at a cost. What people forget, however, is that these things can be tailored to pretty much any budget. Also, most people will see that the return on their investment is worth it in the end.
6. Disorganization is embarrassing,
impossible, and hopeless
FALSE, FALSE, and FALSE! Just because someone has lost control over their physical belongings or their house is in disarray does not mean they should be embarrassed or ashamed. Their value as a person is not measured by their belongings or the organizational state of their home. Life is hard, and situations arise that throw us for a loop, and as a result, some things are placed on the back burner. The decision to "deal with it later" is a common culprit for clutter and disorganization. Unfortunately, this has a snowball effect, and the more cluttered a space gets, the more overwhelming and frustrating it becomes. However, with the right tools and guidance, most things are possible. Giving up does not get anyone anywhere; making one small change and taking one small step in the right direction does.
7. Organization is not that important
FALSE! The exact level of organization you keep is not that important. Some color code all their things put labels everywhere, and insist everything is always in its place, while others are happy if their food is in the pantry and not on the kitchen table. Both of these scenarios are a type of system. The benefits of organization are not limited to merely finding something or walking through a space without tripping over things. The benefits of organization can be seen in all areas of our lives. Think about how you feel when you walk into a room with items scattered everywhere versus a room with clear surfaces and space to move and breathe. Which gives you peace of mind and makes you smile, which causes you to retreat and shut the door?
All of these myths are prevalent in our lives today, and, as a result, they are often mistaken for truths. Which of these have you convinced yourself are true?