I am not one for traditional New Year's resolutions, as I have learned that life will happen how it will, no matter your plans.
That being said, I still set goals for myself, both short and long-term ones; however, I reassess, adjust, and change them as needed.
I firmly believe that all people change and evolve and grow every single year of their lives, myself included. So rather than decide what I have to achieve in the coming year, I will look at the year that passed and assess what I want to keep going forward, and what I felt was lacking a bit and that I want more of in the year ahead.
I want to keep having adventures and making positive changes in my life.
I want to continue sharing memorable experiences with my family. We explored, enjoyed performances and meals together, and did other fun and silly things, such as throwing an impromptu "eyeball" party after my husband had double cataract surgery. I want more of that.
I would also like to continue my decluttering journey in my own home. Little by little, our spaces are getting more and more manageable to maintain, and the reduction in clutter is resulting in a reduction in stress.
As far as things I want more of, they are all centered around people.
I want to prioritize small daily moments of togetherness with my husband and kids, be it a simple game of Uno after dinner; an evening family walk in our neighborhood, or a mini-date with my husband.
I want to make time for texts and phone calls with family and friends to check in and catch up.
I want to spend more time with our extended family, like having weekly or bi-weekly dinners with my sister and nephew, because it brings me joy to see them much more regularly now that they live nearby. Or visit grandparents more often, just because.
I want to "reopen our doors," so to speak, and connect more often with friends. I had the opportunity to catch up with dear friends at the very end of last year, and it made me realize once again how much I have missed seeing them more regularly, so I want to make room and space for more of these relationships.
None of these things are hard and fast, with strict guidelines and deadlines. They all leave room for what life may throw our way in between. Because I know life will test and strengthen us in this coming year as it has in the past.
As we are starting a new week, month, and year today, here is your invitation to create new goals for yourself. Take a look back at the past year and decide what you want to keep with you and what you want to add.